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thank you :)

Alice Treherne

I really enjoyed reading this. Very moving and well written.


I too am 40 and have an 11 year old. Like you I now feel a baby would be too much of an adjustment to what is now 'normal' family life, but I have a neighbour who is nearly 42 with an 11yr old a 3yr old and number 3 due in a month - don't know how she does it!!!


Congratulations Nikki!

It's true that in an age when we can so often get what we want when we want it, having children is such a lottery.

Thanks for retweeting!


I'm pregnant currently with my first (and possibly will be only) child. She has been a long time coming! Hubby and I tried for years with no success, so I had resigned myself to not having children. Now I wonder if one will make me want more...
Although I still have to experience the sleepless nights, endless questions with impossible answers, and tantrums!
I hope your boy gets over his broken heart soon x


Neither of mine slept at night, number one was still waking 3 or 4 times a night when I brought number two back from the hospital and she was nearly four years old!Even now I don't think I've had a whole week of not being woken at least once!


How beautifully written. Turning 40 certainly means re-evaluating the fertility factor and redefining what means to be a woman. I still have my uterus churn when I see small babies, thinking, maybe this time they would sleep through the night right away. It seems I am the only Mom who had children who did not sleep 12 hours straight at 2 months. But now, the enjoying the children in a different way is wonderful, as you say it. Spontaneity can be part of life again. And, I was just reading an article on how important to include being a self in the parenting role, so that children don't think it's all about them all the time, which creates narcissistic creatures. But, turning 40 also means having the right to do just that, mourn the baby that wasn't, without regret or remorse, just moving on to another chapter in life. Thanks for sharing.

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