The cure for procrastination has been found, it’s not actually stop press news, like many things to improve efficiency, life quality, whatever, we knew about it already really.
The secret is “ Get off your bum & get started”.
It’s even got an effect named after a psychologist; the Zeigarnik effect. Named after the Russian psychologist who noticed (in 1927) that waiters in his favourite Vienna restaurant only remembered the orders they were actually dealing with, and forgot them minutes after they had finished with them. He then dashed home, once they’d forgotten his order I should imagine, and set up an experiment which showed that people remembered activities more easily if interrupted in the middle of doing them rather than questioned after they had finished.
The shows that the secret to finishing anything is, not surprisingly, to start it, as once you’re in the middle of it you’ll come back to it more easily than having to start afresh.
Unfortunately I’ve not been able to put this into practice with my backlog of work; I’ve been too busy writing this post.
This blog comes up with a good solution for procrastination, a) you can't do it but b) you can't do anything else either.
Posted by: fab40foibles | 02/11/2012 at 11:11 AM
Quite right Air, although sometimes easier said than done, let's face it, if we were looking forward to the job at hand we wouldn't procrastinate so much about getting on with it!
Posted by: fab40foibles | 02/09/2012 at 06:12 PM
Catch the bear before you sell his skin.
Posted by: Air Jordan 4 | 02/09/2012 at 10:11 AM