Aren’t they beautiful ? My life would not be complete without books, in fact I couldn’t survive, I don’t have a torch/sleeping bag/shovel in the boot of my car in case I break down, I have an emergency book instead.
My constant quest for more time and opportunity to read has been rewarded by two things.
Firstly my kindle, love it or hate it (and I adore it,) Amazon’s nifty handbag sized library has certainly got me reading more, which I didn’t really thing was possible. The kindle means I have my bedside book, more challenging non-fiction and a host of other stuff including the daily paper at my fingertips, I don’t have to anticipate what I’ll feel like reading, or what will fit into my bag when I go out. No longer do I suffer that feeling of bereavement when I finish a book and realize I haven’t got another one to start while still in the doctor’s waiting room, during those five minutes after lunch, in a queue at the bank, on public transport,etc.
The second thing is this:
Yes, I know you’re going to say it’s not a book, but hear me out (hee hee). In of my major disappointments in life were that I couldn’t read while ironing or running (I know it just goes to show how easy my life is!). Eureka! As I am training for a marathon I need to do some longer runs and to carry me through the tedium I decided to download some books onto my mp., I came across a couple of sites that offer free audio books, such as books should be free or litterature audio for those who want to improve their French at the same time. You have to admit it, there’s something pretty cool about having Stephen Fry read you a story.
For the purists among you, I can only say good for you, keep it up, we need someone to keep standards up or we’d all go to the dogs. Personally, if I got the same yummy reading glow from having books injected direct into my bloodstream, I’d go for that too!