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A friend of mine was made to write a diary as a child, I think she didn't appreciate it much at the time, but she loves looking back at them now.


Brilliant idea! I know I write and I know how much better it makes me feel - blogging is free therapy I think, but I too have a worrier for a son (aged 11) and I know too well how hopeless it is to try to offer solutions and we too end up screaming at each other! I will suggest this to him as he does enjoy writing, he has dabbled in blogging, but isn't really one to stick at things too long - http://www.englishkidinfrance.com
You have also taken me back to my teen years diaries (lurking somewhere in a box in the barn).


Excellent plan, must remember this trick myself...(for the teenager)




Lovely honest article. And good advice too! Thanks!

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