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Thanks Evalina, you are brave visiting every single one, I'm looking at a few a day but I think it will take until the next challenge to see everyone!


Congratulation on finishing the challenge. During the challenge I didn't visit as many blogs as I would like to but, cross my heart, I'm visiting every single one with the reflection post! I am so glad my journey brought me here.

Evalina, This and that...


I think I also thought about letters throughout the month. Most of the ideas I came up with were letters already past, but it was interesting how my mind focused on the content of my blog for most of the month.

Congrats on completing the Challenge!


M. J. Joachim

I can relate. The alphabet is still running through my brain...Happy Monday to you!

Margaret Almon

Oh yes, I had the alphabet running through my head most of the month, and the same dismay if a letter was already taken. . .


Hi Rachael,
Great reflections post! Be sure to link this exact address come 5/7 when the list opens. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to do it again!
As to those ideas that are now flitting around in my head of, "Oh, I already did D". Write those down. I carry a little notebook in my purse, and have one in my little "everything basket" that goes with me when I blog. (I don't have an office of my own in this house, so I have to be mobile.) I posted about this leading up to the challenge jot book post
Anyway, next year you'll have a head start!
Tina @ Life is Good

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