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Fair point,I would never earn enough to bring up my kids alone, but to have enough not ask for money to buy everyday things is wonderful.

i also think any complaint including these things would probably include much worse.

My grandmother left my grandfather when she was 72, after years of him timing her shopping trips and telling her off if she took to long, amongst other things.


Fairly certain that lots of working mums take this kind of shit too. Having a job (many to most of which do not pay enough to allow one parent to support children on his/her own) might give you the financial independence to walk out of a bad situation, but you must also have psychological, emotional, social etc. means to actually do it. And while defining the crime may be hard, if a woman (or man)files a complaint including any of the things on that list, the situation is probably bad enough that there should be some legal means of redress.

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