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Coombemill - Fiona

Wow, who knew soap could be so beautiful! I like the blue one at the back right!

40s Chic

I love handmade soap. Does it smell as good as it looks?


They're beautiful - I thought they were candles too :)


Yes, it's soap! Not lush but a place in Saint Emilion, first time ever we've had to drag Son away from soap!

Actually Mummy...

Ooh! Lush! ;)

Bibsey Mama

Gorgeous. At first I thought of candles... Is it soap?

Herding Cats

wow, are they homemade soap? I'd love to be able to make my own soap.


Soap? Lovely colours :)

Laura @ Chez Mummy

Oooh, what are those? They all look very colourful

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