Wow, what a year. This time last year I was thinking about how to make the year I turned forty count. I think I've managed that.
Every, well most, nights when I put the kids to bed we do "best bit, worst bit", and talk about the high - and lowlights of our days. So here's the equivalent for 2012.
Best Bits
One of my resolutions, not just for 2011 but for ever, since I would watch the London marathon with my dad, he so admired those that made it round, I knew I had to one day, to make him proud.
2. Making over 500 euros for charity.
While running aforementioned marathon. Not as much as I raised for the semi-marathon I ran the year before, but it's getting to the point when my friends flinch and subconsciously place their hands over their wallets when I tell them I have another cunning plan. which brings me to number 3.
3. Running with courir...ensemble
This local charity runs with children with cancer, for children with cancer. We raise money to pay for activities, projects, and healthcare when needed. I am very proud, not only of running with them, but also of representing them at a local charity night, where I had to give a speech ( unprepared I might add) in French too.
It also means I can do my bit without begging everyone for money.
4. Training kids & helping to organise the village race
... and giving out the trophies, especially this one to my son!
The rest...
There have been loads of other fantastic moments, not least my fortieth birthday, starting a local running club, going on my first ever weekend away with a friend and no kids or husband inParis, a great school trip to Seville, becoming a great aunt, spending a wonderful christmas getting to know my adorable niece Louise, etc.
The Worst bits
1. Stopping my on-line pychology diploma
Even though, in my defense, an appalling administration error meant I had to restart the whole thing, while half way through my final coursework, I still don't like giving something up unfinished.
I don't regret it enough to start it again, it was just too demotivating. I would like to start a TEFL MA however, if I find the time (and money) later in the year.
2. Work
While not exactly a "worst bit", I still love my job, the extra hours, new classes, and bigger class sizes meant that this school year has been a manic, and very steep learning curve, with me getting half of my work in on time by the skin of my pants, not a situation that I enjoy.
3. being a bitch
Yet again I have got angry and said really horrible things to people close to me. Things that hurt, a lot. I don't know why, when I'm so controlled at work - I would never, ever say anything to a challenging pupil or a colleague when I want to punch him for example, I can't just learn to keep my mouth shut.
The rest...
I won't go into all the times I've snapped at my husband and the kids, not had time for people who count for me, the speeding fine(s), spending money I shouldn't, and maybe the greatest sin of all...
...all those books I left half-read and didn't finish.